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28 aprile 2015 2 28 /04 /aprile /2015 06:03
Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 (35^ ed.). Spidy Spiderman e gli altri 33 che hanno conquistato sul campo il certificato Guinness World Records

In occasione della Virgin Money London Marathon che si è disputata, alla sua 35^ edizione, il 26 aprile 2015, sono stati 33 i nuovi primati registrati come Guinness World Record.

Il migliore di tutti, quanto a crono realizzato è stato Paul Martelletti che è divenuto il più veloce Spiderman che abbia mai corso la Maratona di Londra, con il crono di 2h30'12.

Ma accanto a lui ci sono stati runner che hanno corso la maratona con i travestimenti più fantasiosi, alcuni anche "collettivi", coinvolgenti interi gruppi (che ovviamente hanno dovuto procedere di conserva per portare avanti la propria messinscena).

Si è registrato anche il record realizzato da Jerry Knox, registrato come l'uomo più veloce a correre la Maratona di Londra, palleggiando contemporaneamente con due palloni da Basket, oppure la più veloce maratona corsa a tre gambe da parte di una coppia di donne (con le due gambe vicine legate).
Di seguito l'elenco dei 33 che si sono conquistati sul campo il famoso certificato Guinness.



Speedy Spider-Man is best of the record-breakers

(26/04/2015) Paul Martelletti became the fastest marathon-running Spider-Man at the Virgin Money London Marathon today as 33 Guinness World Records fell at the 35th anniversary edition of the event where a Leprechaun, a whoopee cushion and a telephone box were among those who earned the famous certificate.

Martelletti recorded the speediest time of all the record-breakers as he crossed the line in his superhero costume in 2:30:12, while Jerry Knox broke the record for fastest man dribbling two basketballs, and records fell for the fastest in a three-person costume and the fastest three-legged marathon by a female duo.

The following is a full list of Guinness World Records set today:

  1. The fastest marathon dressed as a three dimensional bird is 5:50:08 was achieved by Bob Johnson. (New record category)
  2. The fastest marathon in a four-person costume is 6:23:03 and was achieved by Andy Newman, David Newman, Ian Newman and Neil Hendy. (Previous record 6:29:44)
  3. The fastest marathon in a bomb disposal suit is 6:28:06 and was achieved by Iain Church. (Previous record 6:55:59)
  4. The fastest marathon carrying an 80-lb pack is 5:53:20 and was achieved by Marc Jenner. (Previous record 5:58:58)
  5. The fastest marathon dressed as a musical instrument is 4:26:12 and was achieved by Thomas Jones, dressed as a guitar. (Previous record 4:39:12)
  6. The fastest marathon dressed as a telephone box is 4:33:56 and was achieved by Ric Nardi. (Previous record 5:54:52)
  7. The fastest marathon carrying a 40-lb pack (female) is 4:34:42 and was achieved by Eva Clarke. (New record category)
  8. The fastest marathon three-legged (female) is 4:45:21 and was achieved by Debbie Leeland and Paula Marshall. (New record category)
  9. The fastest marathon dressed as a chef is 4:47:51 and was achieved by Stephen Roach. (Previous record 5:00:00)
  10. The fastest marathon dressed as a fruit, as a strawberry is 4:13:24 and was achieved by Elizabeth King. (Previous record 4:32:28)
  11. The fastest marathon in a three-person costume is 4:56:24 and was achieved by Andy Church, Laura Jones and Heather Smith. (Previous record 5:45:00)
  12. The fastest marathon dressed as a superhero is 2:30:12 and was achieved by Paul Martelletti as Spider-Man. (Previous record 2:33:00)
  13. The fastest marathon in a nurse’s uniform is 2:46:48 and was achieved by Neil Casey. (Previous record 2:48:24)
  14. The fastest marathon dressed as a lifeguard is 2:55:54 and was achieved by Terry Midgley. (Previous record 3:01:00)
  15. The fastest marathon carrying a 20lb pack is 2:56:39 and was achieved by Lee Ryan. (Previous record 3:12:29)
  16. The fastest marathon dressed as a leprechaun is 2:59:30 and was achieved by Adam Jones. (Previous record 3:09:40)
  17. The fastest marathon dressed as a boxer is 3:08:00 was achieved by Joe Elliott. (Previous record 3:35:34)
  18. The fastest marathon dressed in a nurse’s uniform (female) is 3:08:54 and was achieved by Sarah Dudgeon. (Previous record 3:13:58)
  19. The fastest marathon dressed as a videogame character is 3:09:28, and was achieved by Neil Light as Sonic the Hedgehog. (Previous record 3:29:41)
  20. The fastest marathon dressed as a doctor is 3:13:23 and was achieved by Victoria Carter. (Previous record 3:54:06)
  21. The fastest marathon in a cricket uniform is 3:20:46 and was achieved by Subhashis Basu. (Previous record 4:16:21)
  22. The fastest marathon dressed in a graduation gown is 3:32:08 and was achieved by Kelly Murphy. (New record category)
  23. The fastest marathon wearing a wetsuit is 3:19:41 and was achieved by Chris Taylor. (Previous record 3:25)
  24. The fastest marathon dressed as a crustacean is 3:34:23 and was achieved by Giles Lock. (Previous record 3:55:13)
  25. The fastest marathon dressed as a whoopee cushion is 3:38:15 and was achieved by David Smith. (New record category)
  26. The fastest marathon dressed as a mascot is 3:42:12 and was achieved by Andy Nice. (Previous record 3:51:50)
  27. The fastest marathon dressed as a monk is 3:27:17 and was achieved by Ian Young. (Previous record 3:29:32)
  28. The fastest marathon dressed as a plant is 3:47:55 and was achieved by Andrew Smith. (New record category)
  29. The fastest marathon dressed as a love heart is 3:18:23 and was achieved by Jennifer Sangster. (New record category)
  30. The fastest marathon dressed as a tool is 3:49:45 and was achieved by Terry Bradbury as a tape measure. (New record category)
  31. The fastest marathon dressed as an elf is 3:54:05 and was achieved by Andrew Shenton. (New record category)
  32. The fastest marathon dressed as a playing card is 4:05:30 and was achieved by Karen Irons-McLean. (Previous record 4:23:57)
  33. The fastest marathon dribbling two basketballs is 4:10:44 and was achieved by Jerry Knox. (Previous record: 4:39:12)
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25 aprile 2015 6 25 /04 /aprile /2015 08:41
Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 (35^ ed.). Verso l'infinito ed oltre. Alcuni di quelli che tenteranno di essere iscritti nel Guinness dei Primati correndo la maratona in modi estrosi ed originali, mai tentati prima

La Maratona di Londra è anche questo. La corsa di tanti che tentano di raggiungere l'ambito traguardo di essere iscritti nel Guinness dei Primati per aver corso la maratona vestiti (o travestiti) in modi estrosi ed originali, raccogliendo nello stesso tempo fondi a favore di iniziative caritatevoli.
Da questo punto di vista la Maratona di Londra è uno spettacolo unico e offre tanti spettacoli nello spettacolo.

To infinity and beyond for Guinness World Record runners (24/04/2015)

The saying goes that two’s company and three’s a crowd, but not for Andy Church, Heather Smith and Laura Jones – who will go for the record for the fastest marathon in a three-piece costume – and Debbie Leeland and Paula Marshall who will aim to run the fastest marathon three-legged (female) as they all target Guinness World Records in this Sunday’s Virgin Money London Marathon.

Church, Smith and Jones, all Witney Road Runners, will run in ‘Andy’s toybox’ dressed as Buzz Lightyear, Jessie and Woody – the iconic animated characters of Toy Story.

“It was my idea,” said Andy. “We got our places via the club draw at Christmas and Laura mentioned the pressure of beating our previous times, so I suggested dressing up.”

Such pressure comes from the fact that the trio have run over 40 marathons between them, with all three running best times of sub-four hours. They’re not too shabby in their toybox either, having clocked 2:09 at the adidas Silverstone Half Marathon last month – a time significantly shorter than the 40 hours it took to build it.

“We’ve only been out three times together in costume, but we’ve not had a bad time yet,” they said. “We’ve been training for this for around 20 weeks and we’re pretty confident we can beat the Guinness World Record time of 5:45. We’re aiming for sub-five hours.”

The team will have the support of several members of their club who are also running this Sunday, albeit not in costume, as well as the many club members who are marshalling the Tower Bridge section of the race, but it won’t all be fun and games: “We just love running, but the big challenge for us will come from getting tired and losing concentration at different times,” they admitted today.

Coinciding with the 35th anniversary of the London Marathon, it’s also the 30th anniversary of their running club Witney Road Runners, so it’s a day of celebration as well as raising money for their chosen charity Action Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Leeland and Marshall, who run together for Cranleigh Tortoise and Hare, are best friends with marathon best times of 4:27 and 4:04 respectively.

On Sunday their friendship will be put to the test as they’re tied together at the wrist and ankle in a bid to break the Guinness World Record of five hours, while at the same time raising money for PhabKids, a charity that inspires and supports children and adults with and without disabilities to make more of life together.

Irrespective of what happens, the week has already been a success as the pair proudly donned the Blue Peter badges they were presented with on yesterday’s show. They’re already winners.

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25 aprile 2015 6 25 /04 /aprile /2015 06:06

David Weir, Marcel Hug e Tatyana McFayden sono tra i disabili su wheelchair dati per favoriti alla vigilia della Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 (alla sua 35^ edizione, in programma il 26 aprile) e nel video che segue dialogano sulle proprie aspettative nella gara di domenica con Tanny Grey-Johnson, leggendaria atleta in wheelchair e con Michelle Weltman, coordinatore della gara.

Pre-race favourites David Weir, Marcel Hug and Tatyana McFadden look ahead to Race Day with wheelchair legend Tanni Grey-Thompson and race coordinator Michelle Weltman

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25 aprile 2015 6 25 /04 /aprile /2015 05:39

Di seguito le interviste ai maggiori rappresentanti del cast maschile dei top runner in lizza nella Virgin Money London Marathon 2015, in programma - alla sua 35^ edizione - per domenica 26 aprile 2015.
La Maratona di Londra è divenuta a tutti gli effetti un "laboratorio mondiale" delle alchimie della corsa sui 42,195 chilometri, prestigioso palcoscenico dove i più dotati si cimentano per raggiungere la massima celebrità.
Per alcuni, la vittoria nella Maratona di Londra è ancora più prestigiosa di una vittoria olimpica.

A tutti gli atleti un "In bocca al lupo"!

Il Campione in carica, vincitore della LOndon Marathon 2014, si è preparato scrupolosamente per difendere strenuamente il suo titolo

Dennis Kimetto, attuale titolare del Record del Mondo nella Maratona guarda fiducioso alla giorno della gara, quando il suo più diretto avversario sarà Wilson Kipgang

Stanley Biwott (presente alla Maratona di Londra 2014), dopo aver corso nel 2015 la più veloce Half Marathon (in 59'20), proverà a mettersi alla prova al meglio di sé nella gara di domenica 26 aprile.

Emmanuel Mutai, campione alla Maratona di Londra 2011, il 26 aprile 2015 metterà la firma alla sua ottava partecipazione

Geoffrey Mutai, detentore del record della Maratona di New York, ritiene che vincere la Maratona di Londra eclissi di fatto anche una vittoria olimpica in maratona

Eliud Kipchoge, già campione del mondo nei 5000 metri, guarda con fiducia al suo esordio in maratona, domenica 26 maggio

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24 aprile 2015 5 24 /04 /aprile /2015 21:28
(Nella foto: Eitan Hermon)

(Nella foto: Eitan Hermon)

Il quarantenne israeliano Eitan Hermon è un atleta disabile che parteciperà al Campionato del Mondo di Maratona per disabili che si svolgerà nel contesto della Virgin Money London Marathon, in programma domenica 26 aprile 2015.
Eitan Hermon correrà nella categoria T42 che accoglie gli atleti con una protesi ad un arto solo e parteciperà con l'idea di conquistare il record del mondo di maratona per la sua categoria di disabilità che è, allo stato, attestato sul crono di 2h57'06.
Nel 2006, mentre prestava servizio come soldato in Libano, venne ferito gravemente ad una gamba dall'esplosione di una bomba. I medici volevano fare di tutto per salvare l'arto danneggiato, ma ciò avrebbe comportato una permanente disabilità e l'impossibilità di correre.

Eitan Hermon insistette con i medici perché effettuassero l'amputazione in modo tale da consentirgli in seguito di potere utilizzare una speciale protesi che gli avrebbe consentito di tornare a correre.
E' stato riabilitato e preparato a correre la Maratona dall'Associazione TIKVOT che si pone ilcompito di riabilitare i feriti di guerra e le vittime delle azioni terroristiche attraverso lo sport.

The athlete who chose amputation to run the marathon (24/04/2015)

It’s a fair bet that few people who get injured in a bomb blast declare “One day I will run a marathon” while being rushed to hospital on a stretcher. But those were the words of Eitan Hermon, who will compete for Israel in the IPC Athletics Marathon World Championships at this weekend’s Virgin Money London Marathon.

Hermon is a T42 athlete, which means he competes with one prosthetic leg, and on Sunday he is not only running a marathon, but hoping to break the world record for his category of 2:57:06. He already holds an unofficial world record over 10km, and holds the second fastest single-amputee marathon time of 3:00:46.

Hermon grew up in a Kibbutz, a collective farming community, where he his love of running began.

“I used to run a lot when I was young and I liked it, I’d go for 5 km or 10 km - he says - After leaving school I went into the Israeli army. I served in the first Lebanon war but my leg was badly damaged during my compulsory yearly call-up during the second Lebanon war in 2006. There was an explosion, and I suddenly felt pain but then I didn’t feel anything at all,” he remembers. “I was more worried about internal injuries at first. Then we got to the hospital and I had an operation straight away. I told the doctors I needed to continue running and said they must do everything to save my leg. I was in the hospital for six weeks. After eight months I decided all the pain meant they should amputate my leg below the knee so I could run with a prosthetic leg. Running was something I had done my whole life and this was the way for me to get back to what I was”.

The Israeli ran his best marathon time in Berlin in 2014 after overcoming some difficulties where his prosthetic leg was rubbing against his skin and causing pain.

The 40-year-old explained: “I came to Berlin on crutches with a sore leg and did an amazing time. But this is my first time at the London Marathon and I hope everything will be good, all the conditions will be right. On Sunday we will know. I need a good race here. I’m only interested in the race, all the rest happening around it doesn’t matter. I will focus on the race”.

Hermon has been able to reach his current level of performance after receiving help from Tikvot, an organisation that rehabilitate wounded soldiers and terror victims through sport.

Rocky Muravitz, chairman and co-founder of Tikvot, said: “Our organisation met Eitan when he was in hospital. We meet all the injured soldiers and terror victims there and encourage them to come and do sport with us. Eitan is a prime example. As he said, he wanted to get back to what he was, and he did it through sport. He’s very excited that the IPC have acknowledged him. Now he’s been accepted as he is, he really wants to put in a strong performance here and get more amputees competing in future. He’s prepared to run for another five years and he hopes a marathon race for his category will be included in the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo.”

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23 aprile 2015 4 23 /04 /aprile /2015 21:38
Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 (35^ ed.). Un giro guidato della wheelchair di David Weir, sei volte vincitore della London Marathon

David Weir, disabile su wheelchair è il campione paralimpico britannico in wheelchair, con uno stupefacente palmares di titoli, ma anche il più osannato e popolare campione, sempre pronto a dare un messaggio positivo ai disabili come lui o portatori di altre disabilità e a promuovere delle cause caritatevoli per diffondere il verbo dello sport tra i disabili.
Ha raccolto numerosissimi e prestigiosi titoli mondiali nel corso della sua carriera (ben quattro ori conquistati ai Giochi Olimpici di Londra nel 2012), ma ha anche avuto la forza di essere per ben sei volte il disabile in wheelchair vincitore della Maratona di Londra (non consecutivamente) e il primo uomo in wheelchair a scendere sotto il crono di 1h30' nella distanza della maratona (2006, con 1h29'48).
Weir si appresta a disputare la 35^ edizione della Virgin Money London Marathon che si disputerà il prossimo 26 aprile 2015 e, naturalmente, ambisce a conquistare il titolo per la 7^ volta.
Di seguito, un'intervista al Campione e un "giro guidato" della sua supertecnologica carrozzina da competizione.

Six-time London Marathon champion David Weir took time out from training in Richmond Park recently to give us a guided tour of his race chair.

When Great Britain’s David Weir lines up for the start of the Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 26 April he’ll be looking to win a record-breaking seventh London Marathon title. Weir will return to the capital looking to better his 2014 runner-up spot but, with so many great athletes on the racing scene right now, he’s not taking anything for granted.

We caught up with the ‘Weirwolf’ in London’s Richmond Park to find out how his training’s going ahead of this year’s race. He also took time out to talk us through the ins and outs of his race chair.

How’s your training for London going? It’s going really well. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve had a very strong winter this year. I know it’s been cold but it’s been very dry, so I’ve been able to get out most days. If you can get out and do the miles, that’s what you need to cover all the marathons and half-marathons I’m doing. London is important for me, I’ve come second last year and fifth the year before and I don’t like coming second so I’ve put that little bit more effort in this winter. I’ve also got the challenge of the Boston Marathon the week before.

What are your big targets for 2015? There are quite a lot, but Boston and London are the big challenges for me because I’ve never done that sort of mileage together at that time of year. I need those sorts of challenges to get me motivated and focused. Even after two marathons in a week it puts you in good stead for the track season and a few marathons later on in the season. I’ve got a busy year as I like to get all my Olympic qualifying standards in the year before the Games, which means that next year I can pick and choose what races I do.

It was a tight finish with Marcel Hug at last year’s London Marathon. Are you expecting another close finish this year? There are a lot of us racing now! Kota Hokinoue’s pushing really well – he won the Oz Day 10K in Australia earlier this year. He looks very strong and fast. But there could be at least six of us who can win on the day so it’s going to be an interesting battle. Last year I got beaten quite heavily by Kota in Lisbon, and I only had a month to catch up before London. I don’t want to do that this year; I want to be ready in every race.

Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 (35^ ed.). Un giro guidato della wheelchair di David Weir, sei volte vincitore della London MarathonVirgin Money London Marathon 2015 (35^ ed.). Un giro guidato della wheelchair di David Weir, sei volte vincitore della London Marathon
Un giro guidato della wheelchair di David Weir e dei suoi accessori.
Front Wheel. The front wheel measures 20 inches in diameter, and the half-carbon, half-spoke design is to make it more aerodynamic. If you had a full carbon wheel like the back wheels you get blown all over the place – and you don’t want that! 

Forks and Damper. The forks go onto the front wheel, with a little arm that comes joined to a damper bar. The damper bar is mostly used for the track, but it’s spring loaded, to turn, and it keeps the front wheel stiff and straight. On the road you don’t want it flapping about because you lose speed. The turning circle is not the greatest so you have to judge tight corners or mini roundabouts, and make sure you know how wide you can go when cornering. 
Compensator. The damper bar is connected to the compensator, which is mostly used for the track. It’s used for going round the bends, so you hit that on every straight and every bend. 
Handlebars. These are connected right through the tube of the frame and go down to the forks to steer the front wheel. They have a brake that doesn’t do much. It slows you down but it’s there because you have to have it there.
Speedo Device. This tells me how fast I’m going and my average speed. During a race I usually leave it on average speed, that’s how I work. I know how fast I’m going with average speed – if it’s high I know I’m pushing well, if it’s low I know I’m not.
Garmin Device. I mostly use this for my heart rate but it’s got everything on it – it records average speed, the gradient of the hills and stuff like that. My sports scientist and coach Jenny Archer use this info to discuss whether my heart rate is too high or low, or if I’m not doing enough. They can go through it because it saves the data so they can log on and check it for me. It’s a good tool I’ve been using for a number of years. 
Back Wheels. The back wheels are carbon fibre. They’re very light but very strong and roll very well. I use Continental rubber tyres on the roads because they’re good at resisting punctures. You want something that’s durable and rolls well so you can have a good balance. The wheels are fixed onto the back axel. 
Seat. The seat is also made of carbon fibre. My knee plate is aluminium although it’s combined with the frame of the chair. There’s no padding – no nothing – so it’s not very comfortable!
Back Strap. This keeps me down and holds my bum in really! I sit quite high for a racer but everyone has their own preference of sitting and pushing.
Helmet. This is a training helmet, a Kask – Team Sky uses them too. I’m getting a new racing helmet as I auctioned the last one for my charity, www.weir-archer-academy.com. So I’m going to get a new Kask time-trialling helmet. They’re pretty good – very light and comfortable.
Gloves. This is the most important bit of kit – mine are soft harness gloves, but everyone uses different types. The grip is not too bad but I have to use different material if it’s raining.


David Weir e la sua presenza, nel corso degli anni, alla Maratona di Londra. Weir finished fifth in the 2000 London marathon setting a time of 1:47:11.
In the 2001 London marathon, he finished third in a time of 1:50:05.
His breakthrough in the competition came in 2002 when, as the youngest competitor in his category, he won in a time of 1:39:44. Before the race Weir's personal best fell outside the top twelve competitors at that year's Marathon, and he was not considered a serious challenger. But at the age of 21, he beat his personal best by seven seconds to win the race. Weir's training partner Tushar Patel, both members of Kingsmeadow-based Velocity Wheelchair Racing Club, finished a minute and half behind in second place.

After the race, Weir said: "It was a childhood dream to win the London Marathon and I'm extremely happy with how the race went. I was sure people were going to catch up with me when I made a break away but they didn't. It was brilliant to cross the line first and with a personal best time".
Weir was second in the 2003 and 2004 London marathons. His 2003 time of 1:34:48 was 5 minutes faster than his personal best.
In 2004, wet conditions and problems with spray from his wheels yielded a slower time of 1:42:50.
In 2005 Weir finished third, with a time of 1:36:03,[18] in a race that saw the first seven competitors cross the line separated by 13 seconds.
In 2006 Weir won his second London marathon, setting a course record in wet conditions with a time of 1:29:48.

With this time, Weir also became the first wheelchair racer to break the 1:30 mark.

Weir said after his win, "I wasn't even going to take part this morning. I've been suffering from a cold and it was 50/50 whether I would turn up or not".
In 2007 Weir won his third London marathon. He beat Australian Paralympic champion Kurt Fearnley by 1 second in a time of 1:30:49, the second fastest time seen on the London course. Fearnley, undefeated since October 2006 in eight marathons, paid tribute to his fellow competitor.
On 13 April 2008, Weir won his third London Marathon in a row, and his fourth in total. In a time of 1:33:56, he finished 4 seconds ahead of Australian Kurt Fearnley with a sprint finish on the Mall. Weir's fourth win gave him £7,600 in prize money.
In 2009 Weir finished in second place, in a time of 1:28:57, behind Kurt Fearnley. In another sprint finish on the Mall, Fearnley edged out Weir to set a new course record of 1:28:56.
Despite getting punctures to his front and left wheels Weir still managed to finish in third place in the 2010 London marathon in a time of 1:37:01. At one point, he led the race by 4 minutes.
In 2011 Weir won his fifth London marathon in a time of 1:30:05. This was the tenth year in a row that Weir had finished with a podium spot.
In the run-up to the 2012 London marathon, Weir revealed "What I’d say to the guys coming to London is that my training is going great and I don’t think I’ve ever felt in such good shape at this point in the year. I’m averaging about 80 miles a week in the chair." In 2012 Weir won his sixth London marathon in a time of 1:32:26. He remarked after the race "Grey-Thompson inspired me in this sport. I saw her compete in Sydney as a youngster and I went on to medal in 2008." Weir hinted that the 2012 London competition might be his last. With Weir's sixth win in the London Marathon he equaled the record of Baroness Tanni-Grey Thompson. He said afterwards: "This is my favourite win ever because the field was so strong. I was quite emotional when I crossed the line as it could be my last London Marathon for a while".
Weir competed in the 2013 London Marathon, finishing in 5th place in 1:31:31, 2 seconds behind race winner Kurt Fearnley. In the 2014 London marathon he came a close second
Weir hasn't always seen eye to eye with the organisers of the London marathon. In 2006, he criticised them for treating wheelchair athletes as second class citizens. He told the Sutton Guardian, "If I can help put disabled athletics on the map along the way, that is what I want to do".

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23 aprile 2015 4 23 /04 /aprile /2015 21:32
Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 (35^ ed.). Nella gara maschile sarà sfida tra Wilson Kipsang e Dennis Kimetto

Alla Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 che andrà in scena il 26 aprile 2015 (alla sua 35^ edizione), ci sarà battaglia aperta trai due favoriti principali della gara maschile, rispettivamente Wilson Kipsang (vincitore dell'edizione 2014) e Dennis Kimetto, l'uomo che gli ha strappato il record del mondo di Maratona.
Nel video i due campione dialogano tra loro.
Ma, a parte i due atleti keniani che si daranno battaglia, il cast maschile di questa edizione 2015 della London Marathon sarà da brivido, con allineati allo start, Emmanuel Mutai, campione a Londra nel 2011, Eliud Kipchoghe, campione all'edizione 2014 della Chicago Marathon, Stanley Biwott, uno degli uomini di punta dell'edizione 2014 della London Marathon, per non parlare di Geoffrey Mutai, due volte vincitore a New York.

Reigning Virgin Money London Marathon champion Wilson Kipsang today admitted he is expecting the biggest danger to come from his training partner and world record holder Dennis Kimetto in Sunday’s race.

The Kenyan pair will go head-to-head for the first time over the marathon distance in the 35th edition of the event and Kipsang knows it will be a harder race than ever before.

He was joined at the men’s elite press conference by Kimetto, 2011 London champion Emmanuel Mutai, 2014 Chicago Marathon champion Eliud Kipchoge, last year’s London runner-up Stanley Biwott and two-time New York Marathon champion Geoffrey Mutai.

I’m expecting a big challenge from Dennis” - said Kipsang, who set the London course record in 2:04:29 last year - “I broke the world record in Berlin in 2013, then he broke the record last year. This is the first time we’ve met in a marathon but we’ve met in half marathons before. I’ve beaten him once [in Olomouc, the Czech Republic in 2014] and he’s beaten me once [in Ras Al Khaimah in 2012]. I have more experience in marathons but he has done very well in the few he’s done”.

Kipsang’s triumph last year was his second victory at the race, following his win in 2012. He has now triumphed in the last three of his World Marathon Majors races, including the New York City and Berlin marathons, and could become only the fourth man to win in London three times if he takes the victory on Sunday.

My main aim is not the world record but to retain the title and run a good time” - said Kipsang. “With this kind of field, it will be a fast race and more tactical. We will start to keep the pace up and then we’ll see what happens. The main thing is it’s a very fast race so it’s about how you’ve prepared yourself and how you approach it. I analyse the other competitors and try to develop a race plan. There are new guys racing her this year so you always need to have a flexible approach”.

Gesturing to his fellow Kenyan runners, the reigning champion said: “If this was a World Championship field, this would be enough. When we are together, people can really see the potential in the athletes and it’s easier to get people excited. With many strong guys, there is a high chance of us running a fast time. It’s not something that we need to think about – when there are this many strong guys, it will be a fast time. Easy”.

Kipsang, 33, and Kimetto revealed that they regularly train with Geoffrey Mutai in Iten, as part of a larger group of 60 runners. The pair also both cited Paul Tergat, a former marathon world record holder, as their hero.

World record holder Kimetto is now 31 but his first international race wasn’t until the 2012 Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon, where he beat Kipsang by 21 seconds. Kimetto also admitted he hadn’t trained seriously as a runner until around 2007, when he turned 23.

I’m really happy to be here, my preparation has been good” - said Kimetto - “I’ve prepared in the same way that I did for Berlin when I set the world record”.

Asked about a potential debut appearance in the World Championships in Beijing this summer, or at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro next year, he replied: “My plan is to finish this race first and then see how it goes”.

The elite men’s race starts at 10:10 on Sunday.

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23 aprile 2015 4 23 /04 /aprile /2015 21:30

David Bedford, coordinatore della Gara Elite alla Virgin Marathon London 2015 (35^ edizione) conversa con Tim Hutchings sulla possibile configurazione della gara maschile nella Virgin Money London Marathon 2015.

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23 aprile 2015 4 23 /04 /aprile /2015 21:10

La kenyana Edna Kiplagat, già vincitrice dell'edizione 2014 della Virgin Money London Marathon, punta anche a questa nuova edizione (la 35^ che si svolgerà domenica 26 aprile 2015) ed é, di fatto, una delle favorite.
Nel video, qui presentato, riflette sulla sua esperienza dello scorso anno e si augura di poter realizzare il meglio di sé, gareggiando nel gruppo dei "fantastici quattro kenyani".

Gli altri del gruppo dei "fantastici quattro" sono Mary Keitany che auspica di poter battere il record della maratona di Londra stabilito da Ann Radcliff con 2h17'42, Florence Kiplagat, detentrice del record del mondo nella Mezza Maratona, e Jeptoo Priscah che, vincitrice a Londra nel 2013, punta ad un crono inferiore alle 2h20'.


L'intervista con Mary Keitany

L'intervsta con Florence Kiplagat

L'intervista con Jeptoo Priscah

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17 aprile 2015 5 17 /04 /aprile /2015 05:25
Virgin Money London Marathon 2015 (35^ ed.). Coppia inglese celebrerà il matrimonio durante la maratona

I britannici Laura Harvey e Paul Eliott, in occasione della Virgin Money London Marathon 2015, il prossimo 26 aprile, coroneranno la loro storia d'amore, celebrando il matrimonio proprio durante la maratona: uniti nell'amore, dunque, ma anche nella passione della corsa e, in più, sostenuti dal desiderio di far del bene. Infatti, si sono impegnati a raccogliere fondi a favore della Ricerca contro il Cancro, nella misura di almeno 5000 sterline.

Non sarà, tuttavia, un matrimonio volante, come si potrebbe pensare: infatti, ci carà una cerimonia nuziale con tutti i crismi, all'incirca a metà gara.

I due futuri sposi, infatti, hanno prenotato per la cerimonia nuziale, una cappella nei pressi di Saint Katharine Docks, dove sosteranno per 45 minuti, il tempo necessario per celebrare il matrimonio e, quindi, riprenderanno la loro corsa come marito e moglie, per poi reincontrasi con amici e parenti, soltanto dopo la fine della loro corsa.
Ma non sono i primi ad averlo fatto. La tradizione è stata avviata nel 1999 da Mick Gambrill e Barbara Cole.

Auguri sentiti a Laura Harvey e a Paul Eliott!

(Testo inglese) For many, planning a wedding and training to complete the Virgin Money London Marathon would be too much to even contemplate doing at the same time. But that is exactly the challenge that Laura Harvey and Paul Elliott are undertaking, as they plan to marry during the race on Sunday 26 April.

The London couple, who are running to raise money for Cancer Research UK, are set to tie the knot around halfway through the race, with their ceremony booked at a licensed venue at St Katharine Docks for 12:45. This means the pair must cover the first 12.5 miles or so in under two hours 35 minutes, with the mass race beginning at 10:10.

After a 45-minute service, Laura, a physiotherapist, and Paul, a HR adviser, will hit the road again while their guests tuck in to lunch and watch the newly-weds run past again at the 22-mile mark. Once they cross the Finish Line in front of Buckingham Palace, the pair will head off to enjoy their wedding reception.

Paul, 41, says, “Everyone thinks it’s a bit mad, but we’re both sporty and wanted to do something different. My mum’s a bit worried as to whether I’ll firstly get to halfway and then to the Finish Line. Hopefully they won’t be waiting for too long.”

The couple are aiming to raise £5,000 for Cancer Research UK, the 2015 Virgin Money London Marathon’s official charity, in honour of Paul’s father Mark, who died of bowel cancer in 1996.

In a bid to prevent their legs seizing up after stopping mid-marathon, the duo have been practising running 13 miles before stopping at Starbucks for an hour then continuing.

Laura will complete the race wearing a tennis dress gown while Paul will don a suit top, leggings and top hat.

The 34-year-old bride-to-be says, “We both love the London Marathon and wanted to do something different for our wedding. We thought it would be amazing to combine the two! We got engaged last May and are very grateful to Cancer Research UK and the London Marathon for helping us make this happen”.

Laura and Paul form part of Cancer Research UK’s largest ever marathon team, who are aiming to raise £2.5 million in order to help build The Francis Crick Institute, a world leading centre of biomedical research due for completion later this year.

The first couple to get married during the London Marathon were Mick Gambrill and Barbara Cole in 1999.

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  • : Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni
  • : Una pagina web per parlare di podismo agonistico - di lunga durata e non - ma anche di pratica dello sport sostenibile e non competitivo
  • Contatti


  • Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni
  • Mi chiamo Maurizio Crispi. Sono un runner con oltre 200 tra maratone e ultra: ancora praticante per leisure, non gareggio più. Da giornalista pubblicista, oltre ad alimentare questa pagina collaboro anche con altre testate non solo sportive.
  • Mi chiamo Maurizio Crispi. Sono un runner con oltre 200 tra maratone e ultra: ancora praticante per leisure, non gareggio più. Da giornalista pubblicista, oltre ad alimentare questa pagina collaboro anche con altre testate non solo sportive.

Etnatrail 2013 - si svolgerà il 4 agosto 2013


Il perchè di questo titolo

DSC04695.jpegPerchè ho dato alla mia pagina questo titolo?

Volevo mettere assieme deio temi diversi eppure affini: prioritariamente le ultramaratone (l'interesse per le quali porta con sè ad un interesse altrettanto grande per imprese di endurance di altro tipo, riguardanti per esempio il nuoto o le camminate prolungate), in secondo luogo le maratone.

Ma poi ho pensato che non si poteva prescindere dal dare altri riferimenti come il podismo su altre distanze, il trail e l'ultratrail, ma anche a tutto ciò che fa da "alone" allo sport agonistico e che lo sostanzia: cioè, ho sentito l'esigenza di dare spazio a tutto ciò che fa parte di un approccio soft alle pratiche sportive di lunga durata, facendoci rientrare anche il camminare lento e la pratica della bici sostenibile. Secondo me, non c'è possibilità di uno sport agonistico che esprima grandi campioni, se non c'è a fare da contorno una pratica delle sue diverse forme diffusa e sostenibile. 

Nei "dintorni" della mia testata c'è dunque un po' di tutto questo: insomma, tutto il resto.


Come nasce questa pagina?

DSC04709.jpeg_R.jpegL'idea motrice di questo nuovo web site è scaturita da una pagina Facebook che ho creato, con titolo simile ("Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni"), avviata dall'ottobre 2010, con il proposito di dare spazio e visibilità  ad una serie di materiali sul podismo agonistico e non, ma anche su altri sport, che mi pervenivano dalle fonti più disparate e nello stesso tempo per avere un "contenitore" per i numerosi servizi fotografici che mi capitava di realizzare.

La pagina ha avuto un notevole successo, essendo di accesso libero per tutti: dalla data di creazione ad oggi, sono stati più di 64.000 i contatti e le visite.

L'unico limite di quella pagina era nel fatto che i suoi contenuti non vengono indicizzati su Google e in altri motori di ricerca e che, di conseguenza, non risultava agevole la ricerca degli articoli sinora pubblicati (circa 340 alla data - metà aprile 2011 circa - in cui ho dato vita a Ultrasport Maratone e dintorni).

Ho tuttavia lasciato attiva la pagina FB come contenitore dei link degli articoli pubblicati su questa pagina web e come luogo in cui continuerò ad aprire le gallerie fotografiche relative agli eventi sportivi - non solo podistici - che mi trovo a seguire.

L'idea, in ogni caso, è quella di dare massimo spazio e visibilità non solo ad eventi di sport agonistico ma anche a quelli di sport "sostenibile" e non competitivo...

Il mio curriculum: sport e non solo


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Statistiche generali del magazine dalla sua creazione, aggiornate al 14.04.2014

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Pagine viste : 607 982 (totale)
Visitatori unici 380 449
Giornata record 14/04/2014 (3 098 Pagine viste)
Mese record 09/2011 (32 745 Pagine viste)
Precedente giornata record 22/04/2012 con 2847 pagine viste
Record visitatori unici in un giorno 14/04/2014 (2695 vis. unici)
Iscritti alla Newsletter 148
Articoli pubblicati 4259


I collaboratori

Lara arrivo pisa marathon 2012  arrivo attilio siracusa 2012
            Lara La Pera    Attilio Licciardi
 Elena Cifali all'arrivo della Maratona di Ragusa 2013  Eleonora Suizzo alla Supermaratona dell'Etna 2013 (Foto di Maurizio Crispi)
            Elena Cifali   Eleonora Suizzo

